5 tips to immediately improve your mindset

I want to tell you about 5 changes I made that immediately improved my headspace - you might like them too.

1. Stop listening to sad songs
I love music, but have you ever noticed how a sad song can suddenly make you feel a little down? Music is so powerful, and it can bring a lot of emotions with it.
So unless it's your absolute favorite song, I'd try to skip these.
I definitely avoid sad songs on days when I need to be productive.
2. Turn off the news
Starting your morning with the news can make you feel stressed, and it affects your entire day. 
I'm not suggesting you never watch the news, just limit it to a few minutes toward the end of the day.
3. Set ONE alarm for the morning (not 10)
I recently heard that if you wake up and hit "snooze," it starts a new sleep cycle.
That's why you feel even more tired after hitting snooze. That explains a lot.
Try to set just one alarm and actually get up when it rings. 
4. Limit social media
This one's pretty obvious. Although there are a lot of positive things on social media, it can lead to comparison which negatively impacts your mood.
Limit how much time you spend online and unfollow any accounts that don't inspire you.
5. When the alarm rings, get out of bed and make the bed
Staying in bed and stressing about the day only makes the morning worse. 
Getting out of bed right away jumpstarts your morning in a positive way. 
Making your bed first thing helps you feel accomplished because you already did 1 task right away.
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